Does Medicare Cover Endodontic Procedures?

Original Medicare does not cover routine dental care, including endodontic procedures. Learn more about what is covered by Medicare and when you should see an endodontist.

Does Medicare Cover Endodontic Procedures?

When it comes to dental care and procedures, Medicare doesn't provide coverage for most of them. Cleanings, fillings, extractions, root canals, and dentures are among the services that are not covered by Original Medicare. This means that Medicare beneficiaries often have to pay out of pocket for routine dental care. However, Medicare Part A and Part B may cover dental services if they are required for another medical procedure and a doctor deems them medically necessary.

Endodontists specialize in treating complex dental problems that primarily affect the dental pulp (the inside of the teeth). They don't place fillings or clean teeth, but instead focus on diagnosing and treating tooth pain. In cases of serious damage to the pulp or roots, an endodontist may be the right person to see. Root canals and crown placements are considered endodontic procedures, but they can be performed by either endodontists or regular dentists.

However, there are some situations where even dentists who perform root canals routinely refer their patients to an endodontist. It is important to note that Original Medicare does not cover routine dental care, including endodontic procedures. However, if a doctor deems them medically necessary, Medicare Part A and Part B may cover the costs of these services. If you need an endodontic procedure, it is best to speak with your doctor or dentist to determine if it is covered by your insurance.

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