How Many Hours a Week Do Endodontists Work?

Learn about the typical work environment for an endodontist and how many hours they work per week. Find out about the additional training they require and how their salary is affected by population density and geographical location.

How Many Hours a Week Do Endodontists Work?

The typical work environment for an endodontist involves a 40-hour week in a dental clinic. However, they may need to respond to emergencies, which could mean working outside of regular business hours. Additionally, endodontists may travel for training and conferences. At Midtown Endodontist NYC, we offer Saturday hours to ensure that our patients get the dental care they need when they need it most.

Many people are unaware of the difference between a dentist and an endodontist. The American Association of Endodontists explains that endodontists specialize in “saving teeth.” With the right knowledge, most endodontists could be debt-free and on their way to financial freedom in 5-7 years. Recently, I worked with a 63-year-old endodontist who was able to increase his daily cases from three or four to seven or eight in just six months. During my 17 years of training endodontists in Canada and the United States, I have noticed a common coding among many of them.

Endodontists require additional training to use special technology, dental instruments, and numbing techniques. According to salary survey data, endodontists are among the highest paid dental specialists. While weekend endodontists are rare, they do exist and can be a great option for those with hectic or emergency weeks. At that rate, it would take an endodontist about 4.2 years to earn enough post-tax money to cover the additional cost of paying the increased debt burden.

Endodontists must undergo extensive education due to their specialization beyond general dentistry. Population density and geographical location can have a major impact on an endodontist's salary range as well as general dentistry. This additional training for endodontists also includes learning how to identify the cause of tooth pain that may be difficult to diagnose.

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