What is an Endodontist and What Do They Do?

Endodontists are dental specialists who are trained to treat problems that affect the inside of the tooth. Learn more about what an endodontist does and why they may be the best choice for root canal treatment.

What is an Endodontist and What Do They Do?

Endodontists are dental specialists who are trained to treat problems that affect the inside of the tooth, known as the dental pulp. This area contains blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue, and can become inflamed or infected due to deep tooth decay, traumatic injury to a tooth, or repeated dental work. Endodontists are sometimes referred to as root canal dentists, as they specialize in performing root canals. Endodontists have more experience and expertise in performing root canals than general dentists.

While a general dentist may perform a root canal twice a week, endodontists usually do a couple of dozen. This means that endodontists tend to be better than general dentists at performing root canals. After the procedure is complete, you will return to the endodontist at a later date to have your temporary crown or filling removed and a permanent one placed. Endodontists have materials and equipment designed to make your treatment more comfortable and successful.

For example, your endodontist may focus on saving your tooth while a general dentist cares about your brushing and flossing habits. Discover how endodontists' advanced training, specialized techniques and superior technologies make them the best choice for root canal treatment to save your natural teeth. Your dentist wants you to receive the best treatment, so you often work with an endodontist you know and trust.Inflammation or bacterial infection of the pulp is the most common reason people see an endodontist. Like a doctor in any other field, endodontists are specialists because they have completed two or more additional years of training beyond dental school.

If the tooth breaks out of its cavity or falls out completely, an endodontist can place the tooth back in the socket, stabilize it, and often perform root canal treatment on it.Endodontists may charge more than a general dentist to perform a procedure due to their increased experience and expertise in performing root canals. However, many patients feel better knowing that their endodontist has been trained to resolve serious dental problems.

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